
A reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. Provides metadata about the document so that the document can be discovered and managed. The scope of a document is any seralized object with a mime-type, so includes formal patient centric documents (CDA), cliical notes, scanned paper, and non-patient specific documents like policy text.


Header row
# path type required description
0 resourceType string * Resource type identifier. Must be string "DocumentReference"
1 integer * Number of subrows
2 id string * Logical id of this artifact
masterIdentifier Identifier Master Version Specific Identifier
3 masterIdentifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
masterIdentifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
masterIdentifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
4 masterIdentifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
5 masterIdentifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
6 masterIdentifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
7 masterIdentifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
8 masterIdentifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
9 masterIdentifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
10 masterIdentifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
11 masterIdentifier.value string The value that is unique
masterIdentifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
12 masterIdentifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
13 masterIdentifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
14 status code current | superseded | entered-in-error
15 docStatus code preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error
type CodeableConcept Kind of document (LOINC if possible)
type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
16 type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
17 type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
18 type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
19 type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
20 type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
21 type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
subject Reference Who/what is the subject of the document
22 subject.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
23 subject.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
subject.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
24 subject.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
subject.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
subject.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
25 subject.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
26 subject.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
27 subject.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
28 subject.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
29 subject.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
30 subject.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
31 subject.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
32 subject.identifier.value string The value that is unique
subject.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
33 subject.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
34 subject.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
35 subject.display string Text alternative for the resource
36 date instant When this document reference was created
authenticator Reference Who/what authenticated the document
37 authenticator.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
38 authenticator.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
authenticator.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
39 authenticator.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
authenticator.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
authenticator.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
40 authenticator.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
41 authenticator.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
42 authenticator.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
43 authenticator.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
44 authenticator.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
45 authenticator.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
46 authenticator.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
47 authenticator.identifier.value string The value that is unique
authenticator.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
48 authenticator.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
49 authenticator.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
50 authenticator.display string Text alternative for the resource
custodian Reference Organization which maintains the document
51 custodian.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
52 custodian.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
custodian.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
53 custodian.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
custodian.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
custodian.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
54 custodian.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
55 custodian.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
56 custodian.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
57 custodian.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
58 custodian.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
59 custodian.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
60 custodian.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
61 custodian.identifier.value string The value that is unique
custodian.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
62 custodian.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
63 custodian.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
64 custodian.display string Text alternative for the resource
65 description string Human-readable description
context Clinical context of document
context.encounter Reference Context of the document content
66 context.encounter.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
67 context.encounter.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
context.encounter.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
68 context.encounter.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
context.encounter.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
context.encounter.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
69 context.encounter.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
70 context.encounter.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
71 context.encounter.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
72 context.encounter.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
73 context.encounter.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
74 context.encounter.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
75 context.encounter.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
76 context.encounter.identifier.value string The value that is unique
context.encounter.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
77 context.encounter.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
78 context.encounter.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
79 context.encounter.display string Text alternative for the resource
context.event CodeableConcept Main clinical acts documented
context.event.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
80 context.event.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
81 context.event.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
82 context.event.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
83 context.event.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
84 context.event.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
85 context.event.text string Plain text representation of the concept
context.period Period Time of service that is being documented
86 context.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
87 context.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
context.facilityType CodeableConcept Kind of facility where patient was seen
context.facilityType.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
88 context.facilityType.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
89 context.facilityType.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
90 context.facilityType.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
91 context.facilityType.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
92 context.facilityType.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
93 context.facilityType.text string Plain text representation of the concept
context.practiceSetting CodeableConcept Additional details about where the content was created (e.g. clinical specialty)
context.practiceSetting.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
94 context.practiceSetting.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
95 context.practiceSetting.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
96 context.practiceSetting.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
97 context.practiceSetting.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
98 context.practiceSetting.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
99 context.practiceSetting.text string Plain text representation of the concept
context.sourcePatientInfo Reference Patient demographics from source
100 context.sourcePatientInfo.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
101 context.sourcePatientInfo.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
102 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
103 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
104 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
105 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
106 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
107 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
108 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
109 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
110 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.value string The value that is unique
context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
111 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
112 context.sourcePatientInfo.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
113 context.sourcePatientInfo.display string Text alternative for the resource
context.related Reference Related identifiers or resources
114 context.related.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
115 context.related.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
context.related.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
116 context.related.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
context.related.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
context.related.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
117 context.related.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
118 context.related.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
119 context.related.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
120 context.related.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
121 context.related.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
122 context.related.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
123 context.related.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
124 context.related.identifier.value string The value that is unique
context.related.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
125 context.related.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
126 context.related.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
127 context.related.display string Text alternative for the resource
Row identifier
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "identifier"
identifier Identifier Other identifiers for the document
1 identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
2 identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
3 identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
4 identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
5 identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
6 identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
7 identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
8 identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
9 identifier.value string The value that is unique
identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
10 identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
11 identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
Row category
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "category"
category CodeableConcept Categorization of document
category.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
1 category.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
2 category.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
3 category.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
4 category.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
5 category.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
6 category.text string Plain text representation of the concept
Row author
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "author"
author Reference Who and/or what authored the document
1 author.reference string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
2 author.type uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
author.identifier Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
3 author.identifier.use code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
author.identifier.type CodeableConcept Description of identifier
author.identifier.type.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
4 author.identifier.type.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
5 author.identifier.type.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
6 author.identifier.type.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
7 author.identifier.type.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
8 author.identifier.type.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
9 author.identifier.type.text string Plain text representation of the concept
10 author.identifier.system uri The namespace for the identifier value
11 author.identifier.value string The value that is unique
author.identifier.period Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
12 author.identifier.period.start dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
13 author.identifier.period.end dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
14 author.display string Text alternative for the resource
Row relatesTo
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "relatesTo"
relatesTo Relationships to other documents
1 relatesTo.code code replaces | transforms | signs | appends Reference Target of the relationship
2 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
3 uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
4 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) CodeableConcept Description of identifier Coding Code defined by a terminology system
5 uri Identity of the terminology system
6 string Version of the system - if relevant
7 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
8 string Representation defined by the system
9 boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
10 string Plain text representation of the concept
11 uri The namespace for the identifier value
12 string The value that is unique Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
13 dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
14 dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
15 string Text alternative for the resource
Row securityLabel
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "securityLabel"
securityLabel CodeableConcept Document security-tags
securityLabel.coding Coding Code defined by a terminology system
1 securityLabel.coding.system uri Identity of the terminology system
2 securityLabel.coding.version string Version of the system - if relevant
3 securityLabel.coding.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
4 securityLabel.coding.display string Representation defined by the system
5 securityLabel.coding.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
6 securityLabel.text string Plain text representation of the concept
Row content
# path type required description
0 string * Subrow identifier. Must be string "content"
content Document referenced
content.attachment Attachment Where to access the document
1 content.attachment.contentType code Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
2 content.attachment.language code Human language of the content (BCP-47)
3 base64Binary Data inline, base64ed
4 content.attachment.url url Uri where the data can be found
5 content.attachment.size unsignedInt Number of bytes of content (if url provided)
6 content.attachment.hash base64Binary Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed)
7 content.attachment.title string Label to display in place of the data
8 content.attachment.creation dateTime Date attachment was first created
content.format Coding Format/content rules for the document
9 content.format.system uri Identity of the terminology system
10 content.format.version string Version of the system - if relevant
11 content.format.code code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
12 content.format.display string Representation defined by the system
13 content.format.userSelected boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user


Example #1
Input CSV
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category,"",,"History and Physical","History and Physical",,
securityLabel,"",,"V","very restricted",,
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Resulting resource
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        "display": "Outpatient Note"
  "category": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "History and Physical",
          "display": "History and Physical"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/xcda"
  "date": "2005-12-24T09:43:41+11:00",
  "author": [
      "reference": "Practitioner/xcda1"
      "reference": "#a2"
  "authenticator": {
    "reference": "Organization/f001"
  "custodian": {
    "reference": "Organization/f001"
  "relatesTo": [
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      "format": {
        "system": "urn:oid:",
        "code": "urn:ihe:pcc:handp:2008",
        "display": "History and Physical Specification"
  "context": {
    "encounter": [
        "reference": "Encounter/xcda"
    "event": [
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "T-D8200",
            "display": "Arm"
    "period": {
      "start": "2004-12-23T08:00:00+11:00",
      "end": "2004-12-23T08:01:00+11:00"
    "facilityType": {
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "Outpatient",
          "display": "Outpatient"
    "practiceSetting": {
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "General Medicine",
          "display": "General Medicine"
    "sourcePatientInfo": {
      "reference": "Patient/xcda"
    "related": [
        "reference": "Patient/xcda",
        "identifier": {
          "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
          "value": "urn:oid:"
Example #2
Input CSV
DocumentReference,5,"example2",,,,,,,,"urn:ietf:rfc:3986","urn:oid:",,,"current",,"",,"History and Physical","History and Physical",,,"Patient/a2",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"2013-07-01T23:11:33+10:00",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Physical",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"2004-12-23T08:00:00+10:00","2004-12-23T08:01:00+10:00",,,,,,,"",,"General Medicine","General Medicine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
category,"",,"47039-3","Inpatient Admission history and physical note",,
Resulting resource
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  "id": "example2",
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  "status": "current",
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    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "History and Physical",
        "display": "History and Physical"
  "category": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "47039-3",
          "display": "Inpatient Admission history and physical note"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/a2"
  "date": "2013-07-01T23:11:33+10:00",
  "author": [
      "reference": "Practitioner/a3"
      "reference": "Practitioner/a4"
  "description": "Physical",
  "securityLabel": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
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          "display": "normal"
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        "url": "http://localhost:9556/svc/fhir/Binary/1e404af3-077f-4bee-b7a6-a9be97e1ce32",
        "title": "Physical",
        "creation": "2005-12-24"
      "format": {
        "system": "urn:oid:",
        "code": "urn:ihe:pcc:handp:2008"
  "context": {
    "period": {
      "start": "2004-12-23T08:00:00+10:00",
      "end": "2004-12-23T08:01:00+10:00"
    "practiceSetting": {
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "General Medicine",
          "display": "General Medicine"